Quick-Zip(TM) v2.1 Copyright 1990-1991 Programmed/Designed by Matthew A. Spaethe Insight Software(TM) Quick-Zip v2.1 Page 2 OVERVIEW Quick-Zip is a database program dedicated to printing bar codes known as POSTNET. These codes can be read for sorting purposes by the United States Postal Service, and if you utilize bulk mailings there are discounts available for their use. NOTICE: The unregistered copy of Quick-Zip will allow a maximum of seventy-five entries. Upon registering Quick-Zip, you will receive the registered copy that will allow as many entries as possible within your computer's base environment. On a 640k computer you can have approximately 3500 entries. Quick-Zip v2.1 Page 3 --Hardware Requirements Quick-Zip supports both color and monochrome systems. It will automatically detect which type is present, but may be manually overridden if necessary. The more base system memory you have, the better. On a typical 640k system, you can have approximately 3500 entries at one time. An Epson compatible 24-pin or 9-pin printer is needed to print the bar codes, and the program was designed using an Epson Action Printer 4000 (24-pin). It has been tested on various Epson and Epson compatible printers. --Installation Quick-Zip must reside in the same directory as its support files. If the support files are not found upon execution, they will be created with default values. It is recommended that you create a directory for Quick-Zip, and check to see if the following files are present: QZIP.EXE QZIP.CFG QZIPDOC.TXT Quick-Zip v2.1 Page 4 --Execution To execute Quick-Zip you must specify a command line parameter(s) and a filename when needed. If you should specify the wrong options, a quick reference screen will be displayed. This screen is not meant to take the place of the written documentation, but is intended to aide in the execution of Quick-Zip. For example, to load the file MAIL.QZP for editing, printing, etc. you would enter QZIP L MAIL.QZP at the DOS prompt. More help can be found under COMMAND LINE PARAMETERS. Quick-Zip v2.1 Page 5 COMMAND LINE PARAMETERS --Summary Usage: QZIP [- [-...]] [] When executing Quick-Zip you must specify a command line parameter; however, the switches are optional. A filename is not always required, but not including one when needed will generate an error message. The usage line above shows that you can only specify one command, but you may specify any number of switches. The following is a list of commands and switches: c: convert comma delimited text file to Quick-Zip data file e: convert Quick-Zip data file to comma delimited text file h: the quick reference screen l: load or create a file for printing, editing, etc. p: convert text file formatted as mailing labels to Quick-Zip data file, starting with the first line of each label q: convert text file formatted as mailing labels to Quick-Zip data file, ignoring the first line of each label r: list registered company or person(s) and version information s: setup screen d: debug mode/extra information c: force color mode m: force monochrome mode Quick-Zip v2.1 Page 6 COMMANDS --Setup command - s The 's' command does not require a filename. This command instructs Quick-Zip to enter the setup screen and create the configuration file in the current directory. Also, if no configuration file can be found upon execution, you will be taken to the setup screen automatically. In the setup mode you can toggle options by pressing the appropriate key. The following list defines each key along with the options it selects: 'A' - Print method/position Label for address block area Label for bar code clear zone Legal size envelope Postcard 'B' - Print in ascending order by Zip Code Last Name 'C' - Printer type/quality Epson 9-pin; Emphasized Epson 9-pin; Normal Epson 24-pin; Letter Quality Epson 24-pin; Draft 'D' - Return address You will be prompted for your: Name Quick-Zip v2.1 Page 7 Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City State Zip 'X' - Exit Will save the configuration and take you back to DOS. The return address is only printed on envelopes and postcards. If you do not wish to have a return address printed, press 'D' during configuration and hit enter when asked for the information. --Loading/Creating command - l The 'l' command requires a filename. This tells Quick-Zip that a file will be read or created. If the file is not found, you will be asked if you wish to create it. To load or create the file MAIL.QZP, enter QZIP L MAIL.QZP at the DOS prompt. Since you can use any valid path and filename allowed in DOS, your data file does not have to be located in the working directory. For example, if MAIL.QZP was located in the directory DATA on drive C: and QZIP was in a different location, you would enter QZIP L C:\DATA\MAIL.QZP to load the file. Quick-Zip v2.1 Page 8 --Help Screen/Quick Reference command - h The 'h' command does not require a filename. It instructs Quick-Zip to display the quick reference screen. This screen shows the version, usage, and a list of the commands and switches along with a short summary. This screen is also displayed if you incorrectly use the command line parameters. --Memory/Number Of Entries command - m The 'm' command does not require a filename. Specifying this command tells Quick-Zip to return the maximum number of entries possible within your environment. This number depends on how much unfragmented memory is available. --Registration Information command - r The 'r' command does not require a filename. This command instructs Quick-Zip to display to whom this version is registered along with version information. Quick-Zip v2.1 Page 9 --Comma Delimited File To Quick-Zip Data File command - c The command 'c' requires a filename. This command will direct Quick-Zip to convert a comma delimited text file to a Quick-Zip data file. The filename must be the name of the comma delimited text file, including the path if necessary. Since the resulting Quick-Zip data file will have an extension of QZP, it cannot be the extension of the comma delimited text file. If you wanted to convert the comma delimited text file MYLIST.TXT to a Quick-Zip data file, you would enter QZIP C MYLIST.TXT at the DOS prompt. The Quick-Zip data file will be automatically named MYLIST.QZP . In the comma delimited text file, the classification field can be omitted for conversion. If so, it will default to '?' in the Quick-Zip data file. The following is the structure for the comma delimited text file: "FIRST_NAME","LAST_NAME","ADDRESS_LINE_1","ADDRESS_LINE_2","CITY", "STATE","ZIP_CODE","CLASSIFICATION" Length of each field in Quick-Zip: FIRST_NAME + LAST_NAME = 30 characters ADDRESS_LINE_1 = 30 characters ADDRESS_LINE_2 = 30 characters CITY = 15 characters STATE = 2 characters ZIP_CODE = 10 characters Quick-Zip v2.1 Page 10 CLASSIFICATION = 1 character Example: "Mr. John A.","Smith","University of USA","5050 Imaginary St", "Nowhere","US","X" --Quick-Zip Data File To Comma Delimited File command - e The command 'e' requires a filename. This command will direct Quick-Zip to convert a Quick-Zip data file to a comma delimited text file. The filename must be the name of the Quick-Zip data file, including the path if necessary. Because the comma delimited text file will have an extension of TXT, it cannot be the extension of the Quick-Zip data file. For example, if you were to convert the Quick-Zip text file MYLIST.QZP to a comma delimited text file, you would enter QZIP E MYLIST.QZP at the DOS prompt. The comma delimited text file will be automatically named MYLIST.TXT . The structure of the comma delimited text file can be found under the documentation for the command 'c'. Quick-Zip v2.1 Page 11 --Mailing Label Text File To Quick-Zip Data File; Read First Line command - p The command 'p' requires a filename. This command will allow Quick-Zip to convert a text file formatted as mailing labels to a Quick-Zip data file. The filename must be the name of the text file, including the path if necessary. Since the resulting Quick-Zip data file will have an extension of QZP, it cannot be the extension of the text file. To create a text file formatted as mailing labels, you can print a mailing list from your database to a file instead of to the printer. Quick-Zip will read the first line in the file as the information to be converted. The following is the structure of a text file formatted as mailing labels. The first line contains information to be converted: Line # ->Text File Data Line 1 ->John Q. Smith Line 2 ->1234 Imaginary Ln Line 3 ->Anywhere US 12345-1234 Line 4 -> Line 5 -> Line 6 -> Line 7 ->Adam A. Jones Line 8 ->My Company Name Line 9 ->5245 Imaginary Lane Line 10->Anywhere US 1234-1233 Line 11-> Quick-Zip v2.1 Page 12 Line 12-> The software will automatically adjust to three and four line addresses, but each label must occupy six lines in the text file. Also, the address must be formatted to United States Postal Service specifications. Mainly, one space between the city and state, and two spaces between the city and zip code. --Mailing Label Text File To Quick-Zip Data File; Ignore First Line command - q The command 'q' requires a filename. This command will allow Quick-Zip to convert a text file formatted as mailing labels to a Quick-Zip data file. The filename must be the name of the text file, including the path if necessary. Since the resulting Quick-Zip data file will have an extension of QZP, it cannot be the extension of the text file. To create a text file formatted as mailing labels, you can print a mailing list from your database to a file instead of to the printer. Quick-Zip will ignore the first line in the file and treat the second line as information to be converted. The following is the structure of a text file formatted as mailing labels. Quick-Zip starts with second line of each label for reading information: Line # ->Text File Data Quick-Zip v2.1 Page 13 Line 1 ->PRESORTXXXXXXXXXX456462 Line 2 ->John Q. Smith Line 3 ->1234 Imaginary Ln Line 4 ->Anywhere US 12345-1234 Line 5 -> Line 6 -> Line 7 ->PRESORTXXXXXXXXXX423645 Line 8 ->Adam A. Jones Line 9 ->My Company Name Line 10->5245 Imaginary Lane Line 11->Anywhere US 1234-1233 Line 12-> The software will automatically adjust to three and four line addresses, but each label must occupy six lines in the text file. Also, the address must be formatted to United States Postal Service specifications. Mainly, one space between the city and state, and two spaces between the city and zip code. Quick-Zip v2.1 Page 14 SWITCHES --Debug Mode Switch - d Specifying this switch after most commands will tell Quick-Zip to display more information. For example, during the loading of a file you will be shown the amount of memory available, the filename, and how many entries have been read. If you include this switch during the conversion of a file, the information will be displayed the way Quick-Zip interprets it. This can be useful when converting a mailing list for use with Quick-Zip. This switch is not necessary, but many may find it helpful. --Force Color Mode Switch - c This switch will instruct Quick-Zip that you have a color card. It will make Quick-Zip write directly to the color address, even if it thinks you have a monochrome card. Quick-Zip v2.1 Page 15 --Force Monochrome Mode Switch - m This switch will instruct Quick-Zip that you have a monochrome card. It will make Quick-Zip write directly to the monochrome address, even if it thinks you have a color card. Quick-Zip v2.1 Page 16 MAIN COMMANDS --Add Entry Alt-A This will allow you to add a new entry to your Quick-Zip file. The following keys perform specific functions when adding an entry: TAB or DOWN ARROW - next field SHIFT-TAB or UP ARROW - previous field RIGHT ARROW - move right within the field LEFT ARROW - move left within the field DEL - deletes character where cursor is located INS - toggles between insertion and type over mode ESCAPE - Aborts and no data is entered ENTER - Saves the data as an entry You cannot add a new entry if there is not enough memory, or if you try to exceed seventy-five entries with an unregistered copy of Quick-Zip. Quick-Zip v2.1 Page 17 --Clear Marked Entries Alt-C All entries that are marked (green entries) will become unmarked. This has no effect on already unmarked entries. --Delete Entry Alt-D This tags the current entry for deletion. The last name in the NAMES column will become red, and the word DELETED will be displayed. It is not removed from the Quick-Zip data file until the REMOVE DELETED entries function has been performed. Quick-Zip v2.1 Page 18 --Edit Entry Alt-E This will allow you to edit the current entry's data. The following keys perform specific functions when editing an entry: TAB or DOWN ARROW - next field SHIFT-TAB or UP ARROW - previous field RIGHT ARROW - move right within the field LEFT ARROW - move left within the field DEL - deletes character where cursor is located INS - toggles between insertion and type over mode ESCAPE - Aborts and no data is entered ENTER - Saves the data as an entry --Find Entry Alt-F You will be prompted for the last name to search for. You may enter as little or as much of the last name as you wish. For example, if you entered 'JO' you would be taken to the first entry that began with 'JO'. Another example would be to find the names that began with the letter 'S'. To do so, you would enter only 'S' at the prompt. Quick-Zip v2.1 Page 19 --Entry Information Alt-I This will display a summary of all the entries. It includes information on the types of bar codes, how many are marked, how many currently have a deleted status, and how much memory is available for Quick-Zip's use. --Jump To An Entry Alt-J You will be prompted for an entry number to which to jump. This number must fall within the total number of entries that are entered in your Quick-Zip file. --Mark All Entries Alt-M This will mark all the entries in Quick-Zip. To represent that they are marked, they will become green in the NAMES column, and the word MARKED will be displayed. This is useful if you want to print all of the entries except for a few. To do this, you would mark all of the entries, and then unmark the entries you do not want by pressing the space bar. Quick-Zip v2.1 Page 20 --Print Alt-P A menu will be displayed of various means to print certain entries. From this, you can select the current entry, a specific entry, a specific classification, marked entries, range of entries, or all entries. If there is more that one entry for printing, you will be shown the number of entries for printing and asked if that is what you want. Next, you can select the quantity for printing per entry. If you enter zero, nothing will be printed. --Remove Deleted Entries Alt-R All entries that have a deleted status will be removed from memory. You must have at least one entry remaining in memory after the removal of deleted entries. The removal step is permanent, so you will be shown the number that will be removed along with an option to abort. Quick-Zip doesn't create backup files, so it is suggested that you keep a copy of the Quick-Zip data file. Quick-Zip v2.1 Page 21 --Save Alt-S This saves all the entries in memory to the filename you specified when loading. Also, upon exiting Quick-Zip you will be prompted on whether or not you wish to save your changes. --Quit Alt-Q This allows you to quit Quick-Zip, save your changes if you wish, and exit to DOS. You are prompted once as to whether you are sure about quitting. --Mark Current Entry Space Bar The current entry will toggle between being marked and unmarked. If an entry is marked, it will become green in the NAMES column, and the word MARKED will be displayed. Quick-Zip v2.1 Page 22 --Moving Among Entries When viewing the entries, you can move among them very easily. The following keys perform specific functions when viewing an entry: UP ARROW - moves to previous entry DOWN ARROW - moves to next entry PAGE UP - moves up a multiple number of entries PAGE DOWN - moves down a multiple number of entries HOME - moves to first entry END - moves to last entry Quick-Zip v2.1 Page 23 REGISTRATION This program is copyrighted material. After a reasonable evaluation period, please register Quick-Zip using the following form. You will receive a registered version which allows as many entries as possible within your base operating environment. This is approximately 3500 with 640k of base memory. ***************************************************************** Personal Use Only..........................................$16 Each additional copy (personal).......................$8 Commercial Use.............................................$50 Each additional copy (commercial).....................$25 First Copy @ $_____ = $_____ Each Additional Copy @ $_____ x #_____ = $_____ Total = $_____ NOTE: An additional registered copy of Quick-Zip is required for use on each additional physical computer/terminal. Send this completed form along with a check payable to: Matthew A Spaethe Insight Software 18009 E 49th Ter Ct S Independence MO 64055-6922 YOUR: Name___________________________________________________ Company Name___________________________________________ Address________________________________________________ City_____________________ State___ Zip________-______ Check the appropriate media type (Only one disk per copy): [ ] 3 1/2" disk Quantity_______ [ ] 5 1/4" disk Quantity_______ ***************************************************************** Quick-Zip v2.1 Page 24 TECHNICAL --Bar Code Locations .----------------------------------------------------------. | | --->| |<--- 1/2" 1/2" --->| |<--- | | | | - | .--------------------------------------------------. | ^ | | | | | | | ADDRESS BLOCK BAR CODE LABEL | | | | | .------> Place address block label | | | | | | in this general location. | | 4" | | | | | 5/8" max | | | | | | | | | | | | v | | | | .----------------------------| - | | | | | BAR CODE CLEAR ZONE LABEL | v | | | | |.|..|.|...|.|...|.||.||.| | - `--------|-------------------------------------------------' - | ^ ^ | 4 3/4" ->| | |<-| | | The right-most bar must be `--The left-most bar should be more than 1/2" from the right located between 3 1/2" and edge of the mailpiece. The 4 1/4" from the right edge left-most bar must be more of the mailpiece. than 1/2" inch from the left The preferred measurements edge of the mailpiece and are between 4 1/8" and less than 10 1/2" from the 4 1/4". right edge. The top of any These measurements will be bar should be less than 4" effective January 1, 1992. from the bottom. The bottom line of the address block must at least 5/8" from the bottom of the mailpiece. --Bar Dimensions Bar height: A tall (ONE) bar is 0.125 +/- 0.010 inches. A short (ZERO) bar is 0.050 +/- 0.010 inches. Bar width: both bars are 0.020 +/- 0.005 inches. Bar spacing (pitch): 22 +/- 2 bars per inch. Quick-Zip v2.1 Page 25 --Generating Advanced Bar Code This program automatically generates the new Advanced Bar Code (ABC) wherever possible. This method will be fully utilized in 1993 by the United States Postal Service, and can be printed on mailings today. To generate this bar code, you must have the ZIP+4 and an address entered in Quick-Zip, otherwise it will generate a five-digit bar code. You can check to see which type of bar code will be generated for an entry by pressing ALT-I for information while viewing records. If you use bulk mail, check with your local Post-Office to see how much you can save by including bar codes on your mailings! --Standard 62-Bit Advanced Bar Code(ABC) Format F SCF Zone Sector/Segment Delivery Point C.C. F 0 1-15 16-25 26-45 46-55 56-60 61 a. Bit 0 is a frame bar and will always be a full bar. b. Bits 1-15 contain the 3 digits of the SCF. c. Bits 16-25 contain the 2 digits of the Zone. d. Bits 26-45 contain the 4 digits of the Sector/Segment number. e. Bits 46-55 contain the 2 digits of the Delivery Point. f. Bits 56-60 contain the single digit correction character. g. Bit 61 is a frame bar and will always be a full bar. Printed length: 2.495 to 3.125 inches Quick-Zip v2.1 Page 26 --Standard 32-Bit 5-Digit ZIP Format F SCF Zone C.C. F 0 1-15 16-25 26-30 31 a. Bit 0 is a frame bit and will always be a full bar. b. Bits 1-15 contain the 3 digits of the SCF. c. Bits 16-25 contain the 2 digits of the Zone. d. Bits 26-30 contain the single digit correction character. e. Bit 31 is a frame bit and will always be a full bar. Printed length: 1.245 to 1.625 inches Quick-Zip v2.1 Page 27 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY AND LIABILITY The Insight(TM) software and documentation are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, by either Insight or any other person who has been involved in the creation, production, or distribution of the Insight software, including, but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Insight does not warrant that the functions contained in the program(s) will meet your requirements or that the operation of the program(s) will be uninterrupted or error free. Also, Insight or any other person who has been involved in the creation, production, or distribution of the Insight software shall not be liable for any damages, including any lost profits, lost savings, or other incidental or consequential damages in connection with errors, inability to use, performance, quality, the furnishing, or documentation, even if Insight or any other person who has been involved in the creation, production, or distribution of the Insight software has been informed of the possibility of any damages, or for any claim by any other party. Quick-Zip v2.1 Page 28 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A lot of time and work was put into the creation and design of Quick-Zip. Projects of this size can require input and occasional help, which is why I would like to thank the following persons for their time: Barlow, Steve Budd, Fred Chalmers, Matthew Spaethe, James Valentine, Todd Witt, David OVERVIEW ....................................................2 Hardware Requirements .....................................3 Installation ..............................................3 Execution .................................................4 COMMAND LINE PARAMETERS .....................................5 Summary ...................................................5 COMMANDS ...............................................6 Setup ................................................6 Loading/Creating .....................................7 Help Screen/Quick Reference ..........................8 Memory/Number Of Entries .............................8 Registration Information .............................8 Comma Delimited File To Quick-Zip Data File ..........9 Quick-Zip Data File To Comma Delimited File .........10 Mailing Label Text File To Quick-Zip Data File; Read First Line ..........................................11 Mailing Label Text File To Quick-Zip Data File; Ignore First Line ..........................................12 SWITCHES ..............................................14 Debug Mode ..........................................14 Force Color Mode ....................................14 Force Monochrome Mode ...............................15 MAIN COMMANDS ..............................................16 Add Entry ................................................16 Clear Marked Entries .....................................17 Delete Entry .............................................17 Edit Entry ...............................................18 Find Entry ...............................................18 Entry Information ........................................19 Jump To An Entry .........................................19 Mark All Entries .........................................19 Print ....................................................20 Remove Deleted Entries ...................................20 Save .....................................................21 Quit .....................................................21 Mark Current Entry .......................................21 Moving Among Entries .....................................22 REGISTRATION ...............................................23 TECHNICAL ..................................................24 Bar Code Locations .......................................24 Bar Dimensions ...........................................24 Generating Advanced Bar Code .............................25 Standard 62-Bit Advanced Bar Code(ABC) Format ............25 Standard 32-Bit 5-Digit ZIP Format .......................26 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY AND LIABILITY .......................27 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...........................................28 A acknowledgments ...............................................28 B bar code 5-digit zip specifications .................................26 advanced bar code specifications ...........................25 bar dimensions .............................................24 generating advanced bar code ...............................25 C command line parameters ........................................5 commands ....................................................6 filename ....................................................5 switches ...................................................14 commands .......................................................6 comma delimited file ....................................9, 10 help screen/quick reference .................................8 loading/creating file .......................................7 mailing label file .....................................11, 12 memory/number of entries ....................................8 registration information ....................................8 setup .......................................................6 creating file ..................................................7 D debugging .....................................................14 disclaimer of warranty and liability ..........................27 E entry add ........................................................16 clear marked ...............................................17 delete .....................................................17 edit .......................................................18 find .......................................................18 information ................................................19 jump .......................................................19 mark all ...................................................19 mark current ...............................................21 print ......................................................20 remove deleted .............................................20 save .......................................................21 executing ......................................................4 export comma delimited file .......................................10 F filename .......................................................5 H hardware .......................................................3 memory ......................................................3 printer .....................................................3 video .......................................................3 help screen/quick reference ....................................8 I import comma delimited file ........................................9 mailing label file .....................................11, 12 installation ...................................................3 L label placement ...............................................24 loading file ...................................................7 M main commands .................................................16 add entry ..................................................16 clear marked entries .......................................17 delete entry ...............................................17 edit entry .................................................18 entry information ..........................................19 find entry .................................................18 jump to entry ..............................................19 mark all entries ...........................................19 mark current entry .........................................21 moving among entries .......................................22 print ......................................................20 quit .......................................................21 remove deleted entries .....................................20 save entries ...............................................21 memory/number of entries .......................................8 P print .........................................................20 address block label .........................................6 bar code clear zone label ...................................6 envelope ....................................................6 postcard ....................................................6 Q quit ..........................................................21 R register registration form ..........................................23 this copy registered to .....................................8 running ........................................................4 S setup ..........................................................6 print method/position .......................................6 print order .................................................6 print quality ...............................................6 return address ..............................................6 switches ......................................................14 debug mode .................................................14 force color mode ...........................................14 force monochrome mode ......................................15 V video force color mode ...........................................14 force monochrome mode ......................................15